1 System 2 %s Activate%s from hwnd %08X 3 Mouse 4 Minimize 5 Deactivate%s to hwnd %08X 6 %s %s task %08X 7 Activate from 8 Deactivate to 9 True 10 False 11 Removing hwnd %08X Next hwnd %08X 12 App handled 13 ListBox do default 14 ListBox do index %d 15 %02hXh %dhd '%c' ListBox hwnd %08X index %hd 16 Notify %s from hwnd %08X id %hd 17 Accelerator %04hXh %hdd 18 Menu %04hXh %hdd 19 %s from comm id %d 20 compares %s 21 Less 22 Greater 23 Equal 24 %s hwnd %08X id %d Index1 %d Data1 %08X Index2 %d Data2 %08X 25 hwnd:%08X hdc:%04X 26 %s hwnd %08X id %d Index %d Data %08X 27 %s %s %08X id %d hdc %08X (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) %s %d data %08X %s%s%s%s%s%s%s 28 hmenu 29 hwnd 30 item id 31 index 32 GainFocus 33 LoseFocus 34 DrawEntire 35 Select 36 Checked 37 Disabled 38 Grayed 39 Selected 40 Enable 41 Disable 42 End session 43 Cancel end session 44 %s hwnd %08X 45 Erased 46 Not erased 47 hdc %08X 48 Font: %s 49 Value %08lX 50 Maximize (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) TrackMin (%d,%d) TrackMax (%d,%d) Internal (%d,%d) 51 %d bytes at %08X 52 hmenu %08X 53 hdc %08X 54 Focus to hwnd %04X Param %04X:%04X 55 hmenu %08X index %d%s 56 System menu 57 Up 58 Down 59 Repeat (missed %d) 60 Repeat 61 internal %d 62 reserved %d 63 Scan %02Xh%s%s%s%s%s 64 Alt 65 Extended 66 Focus to hwnd %08X 67 %s from hwnd %08X to hwnd %08X 68 Activate 69 Deactivate 70 Activate hwnd %08X 71 SkipDisabled 72 Child hwnd %08X 73 hwnd %08X 74 hwnd %08X%s 75 Maximized 76 hwnd %08X 77 Frame menu %04X Window popup menu %04X 78 Refresh menus only 79 New menus: Frame menu %08X Window popup menu %08X 80 %s id %d Index %d Data %08X (%d,%d) 81 %s%s%s menu %08X 82 System 83 Popup 84 Beep 85 Close menu 86 Select menu item %hd 87 Closed 88 Closed %04X 89 Popup menu %04X %s Menu %08X 90 Item id %04X %s Menu %08X 91 %s in %s hwnd %08X 92 %d NewClient (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) 93 %s NewClient (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) ValidSource (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) ValidDest (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) 94 %s NewClient (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) 95 Validate (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) Old (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) OldClient (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) 96 NoValidate (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) 97 in %s 98 (%hd,%hd) in %s 99 Focus to hwnd %08X 100 Tab Next 101 Tab Previous 102 OK 103 Cancel 104 Clipboard hwnd %08X hdc %08x (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)%s 105 EraseBkgnd 106 by hwnd %08X 107 Child hwnd %04X id %hd %s 108 Fail 109 Ok 110 NULL 111 ExitCode %d 112 from hwnd %08X 113 from hwnd %08X 114 Focus from hwnd %08X 115 "%s" height %d width %d weight %d%s%s%s escapement %d orientation %d 116 italic 117 underline 118 strikeout 119 Index %d 120 Index %d Value %08lX 121 On 122 Off 123 %d chars: %s 124 Show 125 Hide 126 Clipboard hwnd %08X (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) 127 %s %hd jobs 128 Not PR_JOBSTATUS? 129 %s in %s (%hd,%hd) 130 %s to hwnd %08X 131 Repeat %d 132 AutoRepeat %d 133 id %d lpfn %08X 134 True 135 False 136 %s hwnd %08X index %hd 137 %s %s Z-Order %s 138 Unchanged 139 Bottom 140 Top 141 TopMost 142 NoTopMost 143 After hwnd %08Xh 144 Redraw 145 NoRedraw 146 Dropped 147 Not Dropped 148 Default button id %d 149 No default button 150 Handle %08X 151 %d bytes at %08X 152 lpRect %08X 153 Selection from %hu to %hu 154 Scroll Caret 155 No Scroll Caret 156 Limit %d 157 Line %d 158 Char index %d 159 Char index %d 160 Line %d 161 Length %d 162 Char index %d 163 Normal 164 Select from %u to %u, %s 165 Default every 32 166 Every %d 167 At %d 168 Function address %08X 169 Index %d 170 Attrib %08X %s 171 Index %d %08lXh 172 Index %d %s 173 Error 174 Index %d 175 Index %d lpRect %08X 176 Selected 177 Deselected 178 %d items 179 Max %d items at %08X 180 Index %d at %08X 181 %s from %hu to %hu 182 Select 183 Deselect 185 Index %d, %s 186 %d pixels 187 Index %d %d pixels 190 All 191 Handle %04X 192 Error: No Space 193 Keyboard hwnd %04X %s 194 Abort 195 Processed 196 NotProcessed 197 Default 198 REC_TERMOEM+%04X 199 CodePage %04X 200 ResultType:%s %s RC=%04X:%04X 201 Length %d bytes 202 Byte %d 203 Length %d chars 204 Char %d 205 Repaint 206 HPenData %04X 207 RC=%04X:%04X 208 cyCusp=%d cyEndCusp=%d Style:%s rgbText=%d,%d,%d rgbBox=%d,%d,%d rgbSelect=%d,%d,%d 209 dLeft=%d dTop=%d dRight=%d dBottom=%d 210 Keyboard hwnd %04X Terminated 211 No Symbols 212 1 Symbol=%s:%s 213 %d Symbols=%s:%s 214 1st of %d Symbols=%s:%s 215 Circle-%c 216 Changed:%s 217 Down:%s 218 ZPos=%d 219 Pos=(%d,%d) 220 Handle %04X 221 Handle %04X %ld bytes at %04X:%04X Flags:%s 222 Handle %04X %ld bytes at %04X:%04X Loops: %ld Flags:%s 223 Device id %d%s 224 Handle %04X Message %04X:%04X 225 Child (%hd, %hd) id %hd %s 226 Select from %s to %s 227 Failed 228 Lang Id: Pri %s, Sub: %s 229 Sort Id: %u 230 Country Code: %u 231 Previous value: 232 %u items, &u bytes 233 Index: %u, %s client area 234 inside 235 inside 236 start 237 finish 238 Add 239 Remove 240 %s range from %u to %u 241 Range: %u - %u 242 Page: %u 243 Pos: %u 244 TrackPos: %u 245 Capture to %08x 246 From hwnd %04x, Data Item: %08x, %u bytes @%08x 247 Control type: %s 248 hwnd:%04X, Size: %s, id: %u %s 249 hwnd:%04X, id: %x, %s 250 hwnd:%04X, id: %x, ieb:%x, iedo:%x, iei:%x, ien%x, ierec:%x, ies:%x, iesec:%x, app data:%x 251 Incorrect size (%u) 252 Resolution: %u x %u 253 Owner:%04x, Drive:%c, Type:%u, Perms:%s, Flags:%s 254 Drive: %c 255 ID: %08x, SuppFunc:%08x 256 Node: %u 257 %s, Drive(s): 258 Port: 259 Resource: %u, Flags: %s 260 Bits per pixel: %u 261 None 262 %s icon handle: %X 263 Big 264 Small 265 Context: %s, control id:%x, handle:%x, context id:%x. Pos:(%d,%d) 266 Active 267 Inactive 268 Candidate: 269 Open 270 Close 271 Keyboard handle: %04x 273 ch1:%02x, ch2: %02x (%s) 274 Double 275 Single 276 %s sys compatible, HKL: %04X 277 not 278 Char set: %u, HKL:%04X 279 From hwnd: %08X (id:%04x) %s 280 HRC: %08x 281 Count: %u 282 Event ref: %u, HPCM: %x 283 %s, timeout: %u, Bound:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d), Exlude:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d) 285 Box(%d,%d), Base(%d,%d), Face:%s, ht:%u, cusp:%u, end cusp:%u, style:%s